

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lowongan kerja PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia Closing Date: 10-6-11

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia


R&D Supervisor (Jakarta Raya)


* Responsible for planning, directing and controlling of all research and development activities leading to new or improved product
* Responsible in processing, product and raw materials testing, product development and pure research


* Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree in Food Technology
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience as R&D Supervisor in FMCG industry
* Having good knowledge in HACCP, GMP, QC/QA System
* Fluent in English both oral and written

If you meet above requirements please send your CV to

PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 5 Pasar Rebo Kampung Rambutan Jakarta 13768

Lowongan Kerja PT Manohara Asri Closing Date: 11-06-11

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Manohara Asri

Kami adalah adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Industri Makanan memberi kesempatan kepada Anda, para Professional muda yang menyukai tantangan, untuk berkarier sebagai:

Personnel & General Affair Officer
(Bali, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur)


* Bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas HRD


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Psychology, Law or equivalent.
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
* 2 Full-Time positions available.
* Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Bandung / Semarang (area kerja : Jawa Barat & Jawa Tengah) dan Surabaya / Denpasar (area kerja : Jawa Timur & Bali)

Bagi Anda yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, silahkan tulis lamaran Anda, kode jabatan dan area kerja yang Anda inginkan dengan disertai Curriculum Vitae, Foto Copy KTP, Foto Copy Ijasah, Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai, dan Pas Foto terbaru. Tujukan Lamaran Anda ke:


Lamaran harus sudah diterima paling lambat 2 (dua) minggu setelah iklan ini diterbitkan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Nyonya Meneer Semarang 12 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Nyonya Meneer Semarang

Kami PT Nyonya Meneer, sebuah perusahaan industri Jamu Herbal yang berdiri sejak tahun 1919, membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk posisi:

Franchise Relation Officer
(Jakarta Raya, Jawa Tengah)


* Pria
* Usia max 35 th
* Pendidikan S1 segala jurusan
* Berpengalaman di bidang franchise min 1 th
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi verbal yang baik
* Mudah bergaul, pekerja keras, berwawasan luas
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta

Segera kirimkan lamaran anda ke:

HRD PT Nyonya Meneer

e-mail: (sertakan nama posisi yang dilamar)

Lowongan Kerja PT Media Televisi Indonesia ( Metro TV ) 12 juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Media Televisi Indonesia ( Metro TV )

Invites young professional to join our team as:

Camera Person News Magazine (Cam-Magz)
(Jakarta Raya)


* Bachelor Degree, max age 32 years old
* Min 3 years experience as Camera Person and involved in documentary film making
* Energetic and Good Team Player


Lowongan Kerja PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana (3 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana

Kesempatan Berkarir

PT. Panggung Electric Citrabuana merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang electronic manufacture yang meliputi produk Audio, Video/Visual Media, Injection, dan Electronic Furniture yang berlokasi di Waru - Sidoarjo mengajak para professional muda untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai :

Programmer (Sidoarjo)


* Melakukan pengembangan produk GPS, Radio & Camera


* Pria, usia maks. 28 tahun
* S1 Tehnik Informatika, IPK Min. 2,75
* Mampu mengoperasikan computer
* Menguasai bahasa pemrograman
* Menguasai program VB, Delphi & SQL
* Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah Sidoarjo dan sekitarnya

Website :
email :

Lowongan Kerja PT Rice Bowl Indonesia Closing Date: 2-6-11

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Rice Bowl Indonesia


Perusahaan yang mempunyai banyak cabang Restaurant yang sedang berkembang, membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi :

Teknisi (Jakarta Raya)


* Memperbaiki dan maintanace kitchen equipment di resto sesuai dengan jadwal maintanance


* Pria
* Pendidikan min D3/S1 jurusan Teknik Elektro
* Pengalaman di Kitchen Equipement minimal 2 tahun
* Usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Memiliki motor dan Sim C

Should you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume and recent photograph within 2 (two) weeks from the date of advertisement to:

Lowongan Kerja PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia Mei 10 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia


R&D Supervisor
(Jakarta Raya)


* Responsible for planning, directing and controlling of all research and development activities leading to new or improved product
* Responsible in processing, product and raw materials testing, product development and pure research


* Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree in Food Technology
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience as R&D Supervisor in FMCG industry
* Having good knowledge in HACCP, GMP, QC/QA System
* Fluent in English both oral and written

If you meet above requirements please send your CV to


PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 5 Pasar Rebo Kampung Rambutan Jakarta 13768.

Lowowngan Kerja PMA PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk (Surabaya) 26 Mei 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk (Surabaya)

Holding Company dibidang budidaya unggas dan industri pakan ternak milik asing (PMA) yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia dengan lokasi yang tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, saat ini membutuhkan talenta-talenta yang berdedikasi dan berkualitas untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :

Legal Admin
(Jawa Timur)


* Wanita
* Single
* Usia maks. 27 tahun
* Pendidikan S1 Hukum dgn IPK Min.3
* Pernah bekerja min. 1 tahun di biro-biro konsultan hukum, PPAT, dll
* Berkomunikasi baik, mampu bekerja dalam team, dibawah tekanan dan target

Kirim lamaran, CV dan sertificate ke email di or (maks.350 kbs)

Lowongan Kerja PT Karyaterang Sedati 9 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Karyaterang Sedati

We are label stock, release liner & Adhesive Tape companies in Sidoarjo - East Java, needs urgently:

Customer Care Staff - Sidoarjo
(Jawa Timur - Sidoarjo)


* Male, Max. 30 years Old
* Bachelor degree of any Major.
* Having minimum 2 years experience in customer care / complaint.
* Good Comunication & Negotiation Skill.
* Conversant in English oral & Written.
* Literate computer (Ms. Office)
* Prosses good knowledge in standart and Implementation ISO 9001 : 2008 is amust.

Send your complete application and CV to email address :

Lowongan Kerja Kao Indonesia (9 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

Kao Indonesia

A multinational company is leading market in consumer products. The company has various products to fulfill and satisfy consumer needs. In nowadays business the company has implemented integrated business process and quality management procedures to pursue consumer satisfaction.

IT Staff (Cikarang Factory)
(Jawa Barat - Jababeka - Cikarang)


* Responsible for all issues IT problems that occur in company, both hardware and software reported by any user via helpdesk report coming every day and conducting problem solving encourtered in help desk as quickly as possible


* Male age between 21 - 27 years old
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Result oriented and proactive.
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
* Full-Time positions available.
* Wiling to be placed in cikarang factory

Drop your CV at

Lowongan Kerja PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (Exp :15 Mei 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi

Rising to the Challenges

ANTV sebagai stasiun televisi yang telah mengudara selama lebih dari 17 tahun, ANTV tetap dengan komitmennya untuk menjadi salah satu stasiun televisi yang terbaik di Indonesia.

Untuk itu, ANTV mengajak Anda yang muda, kreatif dan memiliki dedikasi tinggi untuk bergabung dan maju bersama ANTV dengan mengisi posisi :

Office Maintanance Staff (OMS)
(Jakarta Raya)


* Memelihara, menjaga dan memperbaiki asset perusahaan dan perlengkapan kantor.
* Melayani permintaan kebutuhan perlengkapan dari Departement lain
* Membina hubungan dengan Pengelola Gedung dan Vendor
* Mengkoordinir kebersihan dan kerapihan area kerja, termasuk jadwal pembersihan dari pihak pengelola gedung


* Pria, usia 21 – 25 tahun
* Pendidikan S1 Jurusan Teknik Sipil min IPK 3.00
* Mengerti tentang construction management dan bahan bangunan
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan bekerjasama yang baik
* Bersedia bekerja tanpa batasan waktu sesuai dengan tuntutan profesi dan lapangan.
* Penempatan di Jakarta

Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, segera kirimkan CV detail dilengkapi dengan pas foto terbaru via e-mail ke atau kunjungi website kami di, selambat-lambatnya tanggal 15 Mei 2011. Cantumkan kode (OMS) pada email subject Anda

“Hanya Anda yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dihubungi untuk proses recruitment”

PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi
Menara Standard Chartered Lt. 31 Jl Prof Dr Satrio 164 Jakarta Selatan 12950

Lowongan Kerja PT Heinz ABC Indonesia (Exp : 11 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Heinz ABC Indonesia

You grew up with our brands and you know our quality. Our people are also of the highest quality, we accept nothing less. If you qualify, come join one of the most profitable and the fastest growing Indonesian business as one of the World's largest consumer products company. We are seeking qualified candidates to join our team as:

Maintenance (Junior Supervisor)
(Jakarta Raya)


* Coordinates work planning and scheduling with the planner to perform corrective & preventive maintenance activities to complete maintenance economically and efficient manner.


* Male, age max 35 years old
* Associates / Bachelor degree majoring in Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, Mechatronic Engineering
* Minimum 3 years experiences in Engineering / Maintenance area
* Technical Skills : Maintenance Management System, in depth knowledge in Mechanical / Electrical and inventory system
* Must have knowledge of CMMS (ORACLE, SAP, Maximo, etc)
* Able to communicate in English both oral and written
* Proactive, strong analytical skill, high motivated, have integrity.

Qualified candidates are challenged to apply. Please forward your applications (not more than 300 KB) to the following details:

Lowongan Kerja PT Lativi Media Karya (tvOne) 9 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Lativi Media Karya (tvOne)


Staff Budget
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria
* Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
* Pendidikan S1 Accounting/Finance
* Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 2 tahun
* Mampu mengoperasikan aplikasi Accounting/Finance system

Visit our website,

Now with the live video streaming

Lowongan Kerja PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Pati (Exp : 9 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Pati

Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan skala nasional yang bergerak dalam bidang food and beverages. Kami mengundang Anda yang proaktif, kretif, dinamis, dan profesional untuk mengisi kebutuhan lini beverages, dengan posisi sebagai berikut :

Quality Assurance Staff (QA)
QC Laboratory
Operator Finish Good
Operator Utility
Operator Maintenance
Operator Produksi

Quality Assurance Staff (QA)


* Pria / Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
* Pendidikan D3 / S1 T.Pangan / Pertanian
* IPK min. 3,00
* Paham mengenai GMP-5R, SSOP, HACCP, dan ISO
* Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai food safety & jaminan halal

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah

QC Laboratory


* Wanita
* Pendidikan D1 Analis Lab & D3 T.Kimia/Sains Kimia
* Berpengalaman di bidangnya min.1 tahun
* Bersedia kerja shift
* Diutamakan domisili Pati (Jawa Tengah) & sekitarnya

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah



* Pria
* Pendidikan min. D3 T. Elektro, T. Listrik, T. Mesin
* Sangat diutamakan menguasai & aplikatif dengan AutoCAD 2007
* Mempunyai pengalaman dalam proyek kelistrikan

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah

Operator Finish Good


* Wanita
* Pendidikan min. SMA
* Aplikatif dengan komputer (Ms.Office/Open Office)

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Diutamakan domisili Pati (Jawa Tengah) dan sekitarnya
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah
* Bersedia kerja shift



* Wanita
* Pendidikan min. SMA
* Aplikatif dengan komputer (Word, Excel, Power Point)

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Diutamakan domisili Pati (Jawa Tengah) dan sekitarnya
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah
* Bersedia kerja shift

Operator Utility


* Pria
* Pendidikan STM Listrik
* Usia maks 25 tahun

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Diutamakan domisili Pati (Jawa Tengah) dan sekitarnya
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah
* Bersedia kerja shift

Operator Maintenance


* Pria
* Pendidikan STM Mesin / Elektronika
* Usia maks. 25 tahun

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Diutamakan domisili Pati (Jawa Tengah) dan sekitarnya
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah
* Bersedia kerja shift

Operator Produksi


* Pria
* Pendidikan STM Mesin / Elektronika
* Usia maks 25 tahun

* Persyaratan Umum :
* Diutamakan domisili Pati (Jawa Tengah) dan sekitarnya
* Memiliki inisiatif, kreatifitas tinggi, dan teliti
* Mampu bekerja tim maupun individual
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Pati, Jawa Tengah
* Bersedia kerja shift

Kirimkan Lamaran & CV Lengkap Anda ke :

People Development (PDv)
Jl. Kembang Joyo No. 100 Pati 59118

atau via email :

(ukuran file attach maks.1MB)

Lowongan Kerja PT MD Entertainment (Exp : 9 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT MD Entertainment

A Production House in Jakarta urgently need :

Teknisi Building Maintenance
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria, max. usia 25 tahun
* Diutamakan lulusan SMK Jurusan Teknik Listrik dan Teknik Pendingin Udara.
* Menguasai tentang instalasi listrik, Mengetahui tentang AC dan perawatan gedung.
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman (Fresh Graduate diperbolehkan melamar).
* Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shifting.

If you meet the above requirements, please send your CV & Photo (application letter to Ms-Word only):

Lowongan Kerja PT Tifico Fiber Indonesia, Tbk (Exp : 10 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Tifico Fiber Indonesia, Tbk

PT Tifico Fiber Indonesia, Tbk., established in 1973, is one of the biggest synthetic fiber manufacturing companies in Indonesia. For 30 years, Tifico has been the market leader in synthetic fiber business in Indonesia. We have grown rapidly and now are in progress of strengthening our competitiveness for bright future and face its challenge.

We invite highly motivated talents to join PT Tifico Fiber Indonesia, Tbk to be the part of our team in this following positions:

Mechanical Engineering
(Banten - Tangerang)


* Handle operation process based on standard operation procedure.
* Manage operation process coordinated with work group and superintendent.
* Analysis and give solution to operation process problem.
* Review and analysis operation process data coordinated with administration.
* Coordinate with related internal department for operation process.


* Male age below 27 years old.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Civil) with GPA min 2,8 scale 4,00
* Required skill(s): Good personality, team player, initiative, creative, hard and smart worker.
* Required language(s): English
* Applicants must be willing to work in Tangerang.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Having skill to operates computer, autocad 2D-3D
* Full-Time positions available.

Please send your current and comprehensive Curriculum Vitae with your personal contact number and recent photograph to:

Human Resources Department
Jl. MH Thamrin Kec. Pinang Kel. Panunggangan
Serpong – Tangerang, 15001

sent your Complete CV (format *.rtf / *.pdf) to: (subject: Mechanical Engineering)
You can apply through


Lowongan Kerja PT Heinz ABC Indonesia (Exp : 10 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Heinz ABC Indonesia

As one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, and fastest growing Indonesian business, we are looking for dynamic candidates that strive for excellence to join our team as to be placement :

Inventory Admin Staff (STAFF LEVEL)
(Jakarta Raya)


* Data Entry Process of goods delivery note
* Publish the receiver ticket
* Monitoring / control daily stock
* Monitoring monthly Stock opname activities
* In put the label and empty carton of In Out process


* Male/Female
* Maximum age 30 years old
* Minimum Education Background D3 degree majoring in Accounting, Economy
* Preferable domicile in West Java area (Placement in Subang - West Java)
* Good Communication skills (ability to build communication to all level of people)
* Good in English correspondence
* Good Administrative Skill
* Good Personal Adaptability

Please submit a comprehensive resume, current and expected salary details and recent photograph no later than 5 days to:

Lowongan Kerja PT Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia 8 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia

Perfetti Van Melle is a leading candy & confectionary company -The 1st in Indonesia and The 3rd in the world. The production and distribution channel for its product is in more than 130 countries and more than 18.000 employees are working on Perfetti Van Melle.

Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia (PVMI) is the biggest player in candy & confectionary industry with several popular brands such as Mentos, Fruitella, Alpenliebe, Big Babol, Chox, Marbel, Chlormint, Happydent, Bonfills, Chupa-chups, Golia. PVMI’s products are distributed to all areas around Indonesia and several countries in the world.

In regards to support the continuous growth of our business activities, we invite high achievers to have career with us, as:

Purchasing Officer (Code: PCO)
Based in Cibinong - Bogor
(Jawa Barat - Cibinong - Bogor)


* To make sure all materials delivered on timely manner and good condition
* Maintain effective relationship with vendors and related parties.
* Prepare and maintain purchasing documents


* Diploma or preferably Bachelor's Degree in Food Technology (preferably), Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Industrial), Chemistry or equivalent
* 2 years experience in the same position or supply chain (preferably from consumer goods industry)
* Preferably familiar with SAP and common computer applications
* Fluent in English speaking & writing

Should you meet these qualifications, please send your application letter with recent photograph, detail resume, and copies of professional qualifications to the address below not later than 2 weeks after this ads posted. Please put the code on the email subject. Confidentiality is assured.

PT. Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia – HRD Department
JL. Raya Jakarta - Bogor KM 47.4 Cibinong. Bogor. 16912


Lowongan Kerja 2011


We are an established and leading multinational Automotive Company, urgently looking for highly qualified and talented person, to fill in the challenging position :

HRD Staff (Code: HRD)
Nurse (Code: NRS)
Accounting Staff (Code: ACC)
Business Plan Staff (Code: BPS)
Production Engineering Staff (Code: PES)
Purchase Staff (Code: PUR)
Logistic Supervisor (Code: LSPV)
Tax Supervisor (Code: TSPV)

HRD Staff (Code: HRD)


* Diploma degree in Informatics Management
* Female, Single, Max 26 years old
* Preferable have experience min 1 years in the same field

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Nurse (Code: NRS)


* Graduate from Nursing Academy
* Male, Single, Max 26 years old
* Have driving license A
* Preferable have experience min 1 year in the same field

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Accounting Staff (Code: ACC)


* Bachelor degree in Accounting
* Female, Single, Max 26 years old
* Have experience min 1 years as Accounting staff / External auditor

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Business Plan Staff (Code: BPS)


* Bachelor degree in Accounting
* Male, Single, Max 26 years old
* Preferable have experience min 1 years in the same field

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Production Engineering Staff (Code: PES)


* Bachelor degree in Chemical / Metallurgy Engineering
* Male, Single, Max 26 ears old
* Have experience min 1 year in the same field

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Purchase Staff (Code: PUR)


* Bachelor degree Industrial / Mechanical Engineering
* Male / Female, Single, Max 26 years old
* Have driving license A
* Preferable have experience min 1 year in R&D / Purchasing / Prod. Engineering

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Logistic Supervisor (Code: LSPV)


* Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering
* Male, Have experience min 2 years as logistic supervisor

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Tax Supervisor (Code: TSPV)


* Bachelor degree in Accounting / Tax
* Have experience min 2 years as tax supervisor in manufacturing
* Preferable have experience in tax consultant / auditor
* Understanding & able to update tax compliance & regulation

o GPA min 3.00
o Never follow recruitment process at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg
o Excellent skills in Microsoft Office
o Fluent in written & spoken English
o Good personality and communication skills
o Able to work under pressure and multitasking
o Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Please send your application, CV, copy of academic transcript and 4 X 6 latest photograph, not later than two weeks after this advertisement to:


Or E-mail to :

All applications will be treated strictly confidential.
Please put the code of position on right corner of the envelope and application.
Only short listed applicants will be notified.

Lowongan Kerja PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Tbk (Exp : 29 Mei 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Tbk

We, a National and International scale Agribusiness company with total 17,000 employee spread across Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, India and China, currently require employees to occupy positions as:

Programmer (Jakarta Raya)



* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): JSF, Oracle Apex, Oracle PL/SQL.
* Preferred skill(s): Java, Delphi
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in IT/Computer - Software or equivalent.
* Required language(s): English
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Pratista Hutama ( Suprama ) 9 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Surya Pratista Hutama ( Suprama )

Perusahaan makanan yang sedang berkembang dengan produk utama Mie burung dara yang berpusat di Sidoarjo membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk ditempatkan diseluruh area cabang dengan posisi :

Sekretaris Direksi (Jawa Timur)


* Filling document ( perijinan, legal , administrasi )
* Pengaturan travelling ( Tiket, hotel dll )
* Handle medical record untuk grade 10 - keatas


* Perempuan
* Usia Maksimal 25 Tahun
* Pendidikan Minimal D3, diutamakan Sekretaris
* Good in English
* Diutamakan bisa berbahasa mandarin
* Berpenampilan menarik ( Min. tinggi 155 cm, berat badan proporsional )
* Teliti & inovatif

Jika anda sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang kami ajukan dan ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk bergabung dan berkembang dengan perusahaan kami. Silahkan kirim foto terbaru anda, CV terbaru, dan cantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar pada subject email, sertakan juga gaji yang diharapkan, Kirim ke :

Ds. Suko Jl. Raya Sidoarjo KM 3
Sidoarjo 61251

Email :
( Max 200 KB / Zip )

Lowongan Kerja PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia (3 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia

Salah satu group industri agro-food terkemuka di dunia yang meliputi produksi pakan hewan, peternakan unggas, produksi daging olahan, dan industri pertanian membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi yang berani dan siap ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia untuk posisi

Estimator Engineer
(Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat)


* Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik Sipil Bangunan, max. 30 tahun
* IPK min. 2,75 dari skala 4
* Dapat menghitung rencana anggaran biaya proyek
* Dapat menggambar rencana proyek dengan Auto CAD
* Pengalaman di bidangnya min. 2 tahun
* Bersedia menjalani kontrak kerja selama 1 tahun sebelum diangkat menjadi karyawan permanen

Peminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran kerja, Curriculum Vitae/Riwayat Hidup, dan/atau Surat Keterangan Lulus/ transkrip nilai/ijazah melalui email ke:

Lowongan Kerja PT PZ Cussons Indonesia (Exp ; 9 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT PZ Cussons Indonesia

PZ Cussons is a well-known multinational company with a long history of producing soap and cosmetics is looking for additional qualified individuals to join our company in the Factory for the following position:

Assistant Regulatory Officer (Code: ARO)
(Factory - Tangerang)


* Qualifications:
o Education: Graduated from Senior high school (SMU / SMAK ). D3 Majoring Pharmacy or graduated from Chemist Analyst Academic with GPA minimal 3,00 are strong advantage.
o Male, below 28 years old

* Technical/Professional Experience:
o Minimal 1 year experience working as medical representative or same position in consumer goods factory
o Have good relationship with related government institution (BPOM, Ministry of Health and others)
o Familiarity with Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and customer Goods regulation
o Familiar with product registration and having good relationship with BPOM
o Have good knowledge on Sampling and Statistical Process

* Key Attributes:
o Confidence and having Good communication skills
o Assertive, persuasive and good negotiation skills
o Has personal conviction, drive and credibility
o Good planning, organizing and teamwork skills
o Attention to detail
o Good English and computer literate

Send your resume, stating expected salary to:

(Please state the position code you apply for as your e-mail subject or on the envelope)

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Lowongan Kerja Sinar Baja Electric (Exp : 9 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

Sinar Baja Electric

An international Loudspeaker Manufacturing Company challenged you, professionals, to join us as :

CNC Engineer (Jawa Timur - Surabaya)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): AutoCad, Pro/Engineer.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Surabaya.
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Engineering - Mechanical/Automotive or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.

Sinar Baja Electric
Jl Margomulyo No 5, Sby Surabaya 60185.

Lowowngan Kerja PMA PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk (Surabaya) Mei 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk

Holding Company dibidang budidaya unggas dan industri pakan ternak milik asing (PMA) yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia dengan lokasi yang tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, saat ini membutuhkan talenta-talenta yang berdedikasi dan berkualitas untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :

Operator Control Room (Bali, Jawa Timur)
Technical Service Feed & Kemitraaan (Jawa Timur)
Farm/Hatchery Supervisor (Jawa Timur)
Maintenance (Jawa Timur)
Supervisor Farm/ Hatchery (Banjarmasin, Lumajang, Probolinggo, Wonosari)
Electrician Technician (Jawa Timur)
Veterinary (Jawa Timur)

Operator Control Room (Bali, Jawa Timur)


* Laki-laki, Single usia Maks. 25 Tahun
* Pendidikan SMK Electro/Listrik dengan nilai min.7
* Memahami tentang PLC, Komputer dan bahasa program
* Mampu bekerja dalam team, dibawah tekanan dan target.
* Tidak mempunyai alergi terhadap debu, bau dan asap.
* Lebih disukai pernah bekerja di perusahaan Feedmill
Technical Service Feed & Kemitraaan (Jawa Timur)


* Pendidikan min. D3 Peternakan/Perikanan/Hewan
* Laki-laki
* Usia maks. 25 th
* Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
* Mampu bekerja dengan team, dibawah tekanan dan target
Farm/Hatchery Supervisor (Jawa Timur)


* Pendidikan S1 Peternakan
* Usia maks. 30 th
* Pengalaman min. 2 th di farm/hatchery
* Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
* Mampu bekerja dengan team, dibawah tekanan dan target
Maintenance (Jawa Timur)


* Laki-laki, usia maks.25 thn
* Pendidikan min. SMK Mesin Industri
* Pengalaman min. 1 th di feedmill atau food industry
* Mengusai overhaul mesin industri, PLC dan Komputer
* Mampu bekerja dengan team, dibawah tekanan dan target
Supervisor Farm/ Hatchery (Banjarmasin, Lumajang, Probolinggo, Wonosari)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry or equivalent.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries or equivalent. Job role in Agriculture/Plantation or Others.
* 6 Full-Time positions available.
Electrician Technician (Jawa Timur)


* Pendidikan min. SMK Listrik/Electric
* Laki-laki
* Usia maks. 25 th
* Pengalaman min. 1 th di feedmill atau food industry
* Paham tentang arus kuat dan lemah, PLC dan Komputer
* Mampu bekerja dengan team, dibawah tekanan dan target
Veterinary (Jawa Timur)


* Pendidikan Kedokteran Hewan
* Laki-laki
* Usia maks. 27 tahun
* Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
* Mampu bekerja dengan team, dibawah tekanan dan target

Kirim lamaran, CV dan sertificate ke email di : or (maks.350 kbs)

Lowongan Kerja PT Mayora Indah Tbk (Exp : 29 Mei 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Mayora Indah Tbk

As an out standing Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company, we are looking for a potential candidate who will be positioned as:

English Trainer
(Jakarta Raya)


* Male / Female, max. age 28 years old
* Min. bachelor degree from English Education with min. GPA 2.80
* Having min. 1 year experience in related field such as, trainer, or English teacher, fresh graduate are welcome
* Computer literate
* Good in English, both oral and written
* Able to make English tests, teaching curriculum, good speakers, well motivated, and have interest in training area

Send your CV to :

Lowongan Kerja PT Penerbit Erlangga (Exp : 28 Mei 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Penerbit Erlangga

PT Penerbit Erlangga membutuhkan segera tenaga-tenaga professional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:

Staf Keuangan
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria, usia 25-30 tahun, Penampilan menarik
* Pendidikan minimal D-3 Akuntansi/Keuangan
* Terampil mengelola anggaran, penerimaan dan pengeluaran keuangan
* Pengalaman sebagai staf keuangan min 2 tahun
* Memiliki SIM A

Bagi calon yang memenuhi syarat, segera kirimkan lamaran lengkap dilampiri NEM SMA atau sederajat ke:

Departemen HRD PT Penerbit Erlangga
Jl. H. Baping Raya No. 100, Ciracas Pasar Rebo
Jakarta 13740
via email ke: atau

Lowongan Kerja PT Hogindo Feedmill 28 Mei 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Hogindo Feedmill

PT Hogindo Feedmill berdiri sejak tahun 1994, bergerak di bidang industri makanan ternak


Staff Finance (Jakarta Raya)


* Wanita, Single
* SMK / D III Keuangan / Finance
* Fresh Graduate
* Dapat bekerja bersama tim
* Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
* Jujur, Cekatan, Displin
* Dipromosikan Menjadi Karyawan Tetap

Kirim Lamaran langsung ke :

Kawasan Bogasari Flour Mills Pintu 4
Jln. Raya Cilincing Tg. Priok Jakarta Utara
(Telp 021 - 435 5901 Fax : 021 - 435 5895 )

Lowongan Kerja PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia (28 Mei 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia

Mercedes-Benz Indonesia consists of three companies: PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia & PT Star Engine Indonesia (engine assembler).

Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia is a joint ventured company, owned by Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia and the Indonesian partner. It is the main distributor for Mercedes-Benz in Indonesia and responsible for marketing of Mercedes-Benz products in Indonesia.

Our corporate values are Passion, Respect, Integrity and Discipline to become Excellent.

Warranty Administration


* To maintain and record parts delivery note information as reference of claims from Dealers.
* To assist Key Account Officer in conducting warranty and ISP damage part analysis.
* To prepare Account Payable Voucher for Warranty and ISP claims settlement base on invoice from Dealership.


* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma degree from Engineering or Administration/Management or equivalent.
* Minimum 3 years working experience in area of After Sales in Automotive Industry.
* Familiar with electrical or technical data processing.
* Computer Literate, MS Office: Word, Excel, Power Point.
* English Literate.
* Knowledge about Mercedes-Benz product will be an advantage.

(Jl. LRE Martadinata km.7 Ciputat) Click here for apply..

Lowongan Kerja PT Phillips Seafoods Indonesia (Exp : 5 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Phillips Seafoods Indonesia

A leading manufacturer, retailer and restaurateur of innovative flavors and food solutions company, need qualified candidaets for the position :

Accounting (Jawa Timur - Pasuruan)


* Pendidikan S1 Accounting
* Laki-laki / Wanita, usia max 35 tahun
* Berpengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun sebagai Accounting
* Diutamakan bertempat tinggal di Jawa Timur
* Bersedia bekerja secara team work
* Jujur, sanggup bekerja keras dan mengetahui system
* Penempatan di PT Phillips Seafoods Indonesia Pasuruan Plant


Friday, May 6, 2011

Lowongan Kerja PT Media Televisi Indonesia (Metro TV) 4 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Media Televisi Indonesia (Metro TV)

The Leading News Television In Indonesia invites Energetic And Smart Professionals to be:

HR Development Manager (HR Dev - Mgr)
Promotion Department Head (Promo -Mgr)
Account Executive

HR Development Manager (HR Dev - Mgr)


* Male/Female, max 40 years old
* Bachelor Degree from reputable University
* Minimum 8 years experience in HR Development with managerial experience
* Strong experiences in recruitment, training (including planning, designing, delivery and evaluating), job evaluation, grading system, organization development
* Good personality, leadership, communication, conceptual thinking and negotiation
* Fluent english and computer literate

Promotion Department Head (Promo -Mgr)


* Male / Female, max 40 years old
* Bachelor Degree majoring Communication/ Social Science/ Visual Design Communication
* Min. 6 years experience in TV / min. 10 years experience in printing media with managerial experience
* Good knowledge in On Air - Off Air promotion and Broadcast Management
* Good knowledge in production flow, share, rating and company image
* Task oriented with strong personality and leadership
* Fluent english and computer literate

Account Executive


* Bachelor Degree with GPA minimum 3.00
* Maximum 26 years old
* Having an interst in Sales Area
* Good communication and negotiation skill
* Owned a car (a must)

HR Development Manager (HR Dev - Mgr) Click here for apply..
Promotion Department Head (Promo -Mgr) Click here for apply..
Account Executive Click here for apply..

Lowongan Kerja PT Heinz ABC Indonesia (Exp : 5 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Heinz ABC Indonesia

You grew up with our brands and you know our quality. Our people are also of the highest quality, we accept nothing less. If you qualify, come join one of the most profitable and the fastest growing Indonesian business as one of the World's largest consumer products company. We are seeking qualified candidates to join our team as:

Food Safety & Hygiene Supervisor (Jakarta Raya)


* Food safety and hygiene system development and implementation at plant and copack


* Male / Female
* Bachelor degree majoring in Food Technology, Industrial Engineering
* 3 years experience in Quality Departement preferably in Factory or Production Dept with food safety system implementation task
* Have a good understanding and experience in food safety system such as ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, Personal Hygiene
* Also experience as an auditor
* Honest, eager to learn, hardworking and a team player
* Fluent in English both oral & written
* Computer literate
* Willing to travel

Qualified candidates are challenged to apply. Please forward your applications (not more than 300 KB) to the following details:

PT Heinz ABC Indonesia
Jl.Daan Mogot Km 12 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11710

Lowongan Kerja PT. Bayer Indonesia (Exp : 4 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT. Bayer Indonesia

Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, nutrition and hightech materials. The company's products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time Bayer creates value through innovation, growth and high earning power.

PT Bayer Indonesia, a subsidiary of Bayer AG, currently have exceptional opening for people with drive and enthusiasm to take up a challenging career with us:

Systems Engineer (Jakarta Raya)


* Your qualifications :
o IT, Computer Science, Computer Engineering degree from reputable university
o Minimum 5 years of experience in systems engineering, systems management or equivalent
o Excellent computer skills, familiarity with system engineering computer tools
o Excellent in English written and oral communications skills are mandatory
o Ability to work on a team and to lead others in a specialized field are required
o Able to implement and follow repeatable system engineering processes
o International Certification such as Microsoft Certified or Cisco Certified is mandatory.Priority candidate is to the person who holds Microsoft and Cisco Certifications

* Have experience in the following specialty areas are desired :
o Advance knowledge in Microsoft Systems such as Windows Server, Active Directory, User Management, Windows 7, Office 2010, Lync, SharePoint, etc is mandatory
o Advance knowledge in Cisco Systems Products such as Switching, Routers, UC/ IPT, etc is
o mandatory
o Advance Knowledge in Information Technology Infrastructure Library (IT-IL) processes is a must
o Knowledge in Linux/ Unix systems
o Computer Language C families, VBs, etc
o Advance Knowledge in the IT Training
o Advance Knowledge in Presentation Skill
o Depth Knowledge of HDLC (Hardware Development Life Cycle)

Your application – We recruit staff of high caliber with integrity and a strong team spirit. We offer a dynamic and multicultural working environment, opportunities for personal and professional development, and a competitive remuneration package.

Qualified applicants are invited to submit CV, including recent photograph to HRD Department at:

Please quote the e-mail subject with
“[Bayer-ITSE]” and follow your name

Only applicants who meet the above requirements will be notified and invited for interview

Lowongan Kerja PT Lativi Media Karya (tvOne) 4 Juni 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Lativi Media Karya (tvOne)


Staf Library News (Jakarta Raya)


* Pendidikan Minimal D3 Ilmu Perpustakaan
* Lebih disukai berpengalaman di bidang yang sama
* Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
* Mau bekerja keras & memiliki tanggung jawab yang tinggi

Visit our website,

Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Citra Televisi ( SCTV ) Mei 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Surya Citra Televisi ( SCTV )


Supervisor Corporate Policy & Business Process Improvement (Jakarta Raya)
Data Analyst (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)

Supervisor Corporate Policy & Business Process Improvement
(Jakarta Raya)


* Responsible for the creation / improvement of business processes and procedures (flowchart).
* Responsible in making the Draft Policy.
* Responsible for the making of the Draft Internal Memo.
* Responsible for the supervision policy documents.


* Male, Max. age 33 years old.
* Graduate min. S1 Accounting/ Ekonomic/ Information Technology/ Computer Science from reputable university with GPA min. 3.00.
* Experience in similiar position min. 3 years as SOP Internal Auditor in Public Accountant.
* Having good knowledge in internal control and accounting system.
* Understanding the broadcasting operations and information systems applications.
* Presentation skills and good analytical power.
* English active both oral and written.
* Discipline and can work in teams.
* Full-Time positions available.

Data Analyst
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)


* Responsible for the withdrawal, processing, construction and audience analysis survey by Nielsen Audience Measurement and other special analysis.
* Responsible for the accuracy of data processing over TV.
* Participate build relationships kepermirsaan and Nielsen Audience Measurement.


* Male or Female max. age 25 years old.
* Minimimun S1 Majoring Statistik/ Mathematic/ Computer Science from reputable university with GPA min. IPK 3.00
* Having experince min 1 year in the same position would be advantaged, but fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
* Ms. Office and Visual Basic.
* It has a database capability and good data analysis.
* Good command in English both oral and written.
* Having the ability to communicate, interpersonal and good organization.
* Cooperative, disciplined and able to work in teams.

Send Application to :

PT Surya Citra Televisi ( SCTV )
SCTV Tower, Senayan City Jl. Asia Afrika lot.19 Blora Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 10270.
Tel: (021) 2793 5555

Or by E-mail :

# Only short candidate we will be process #

Lowongan Kerja PT MD Entertainment (Exp : 4 Juni 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT MD Entertainment

A Production House in Jakarta urgently need :

Assistant Coordinator (Jakarta Raya)
Finance Staff (Jakarta Raya)
Editor (Jakarta Raya)
Accounting Staff (Jakarta Raya)

Assistant Coordinator (Jakarta Raya)


* Monitoring & controlling post production department
* Membuat dan mengatur schedule kerja post production department
* Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shifting
* Bersedia bekerja dengan deadline


* Minimum lulusan Diploma, Sarjana segala jurusan.
* Minimum 2 tahun pengalaman dibidang yang sama.
* Bekerja Sistematis, Teliti, Cermat dan Cepat.
* Seorang yang proaktif, effisien dan sanggup bekerja individu dan secara dinamis dalam team
* Jujur, loyal, bertanggung jawab, disiplin, dan pekerja keras

Finance Staff (Jakarta Raya)


* Mampu membuat laporan keuangan
* Pembayaran ke suplier
* Membuat laporan pajak penghasilan pasal 21, 23 & 25 serta ppn
* Rekonsiliasi bank


* Minimal lulusan Diploma, Sarjana dibidang Finance/Accountancy/Banking atau yang setara.
* Menguasai microsoft word, microsoft excel
* Mengerti ubs accounting software
* Mengerti & menguasai perpajakan.
* Minimal 2 tahun berpengalaman dibidang yang sama.
* Lebih disukai yang berpengalaman sebagai staf senior dibidang Finance - General/Cost Accounting atau yang berkaitan.
* Full-Time positions available.

Editor (Jakarta Raya)


* Candidate must possess at least a SMU, any field.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Familiar with avid programe
* Result oriented , work under pressure and proactive
* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Entertainment/Performing Arts or equivalent.
* Creative, tidy, and well organized person.
* Full-Time positions available.

Accounting Staff (Jakarta Raya)


* Membuat laporan keuangan
* membuat laporan pajak penghasilan pasal 21 & pasal 23 serta ppn
* payroll
* kontrol jurnal
* rekonsiliasi bank
* kontrol petty cash & bank


* minimum lulusan Diploma, Sarjana Finance/Accountancy/Banking atau yang setara.
* Menguasai Microsoft word, microsoft excel, myob accounting software
* Mengerti dan menguasai perpajakan
* Mampu membuat laporan keuangan
* Minimum 1 tahun pengalaman dibidang yang sama.
* pria usia max 25 tahun

If you meet the above requirements, please send your CV & Photo (application letter to Ms-Word only):

Lowongan Kerja PT HM. Sampoerna, Tbk 31 Mei 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT HM. Sampoerna, Tbk


PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies in Indonesia. In 2009, Sampoerna held an overall market share of 29.1% of the Indonesian cigarette market and retained the number one market share position. At the end of 2009, Sampoerna and its subsidiaries employed approximately 28,300 people. As the inspiring local company, in May 2005 PT Philip Morris Indonesia, an affiliate of Philip Morris International, acquiring majority ownership of Sampoerna.

Regional Trainer (All around Indonesia)

The successful candidate will be responsible to assist Manager Regional Marketing in developing Area Supervisor’s capability through technical training and coaching in order to deliver excellent execution in area. He/She will work closely with respective Area Marketing Manager in giving inputs to employee’s development.


• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field with minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
• Preferably having 3-4 years experience as Field Marketing or Sales
• Having strong Analytical Thinking, Communication & Interpersonal Skills
• Proficient in using operating Microsoft Office or other computer applications
• Preferably having good command both in English and Bahasa
• Applicants must be willing to work all over Indonesia

We invite you to apply to this great opportunity by sending your complete resume to (email subject : RT May 2011 )

Only qualified candidates will be selected to the next stage of selection