

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lowongan Kerja PT PUSPETINDO (Exp: 24 April 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011


URGENTLY REQUIRED : Receptionist, Quality Assurance, Quality Controll, Estimator Engineer, Senior Engineer, Civil Engineer, Electric Engineer PT PUSPETINDO

1. Receptionist
Education : Bachelor / Diploma of Administration, etc
Having experience in public relations, secretariate, administration, etc.

2. Quality Assurance
Education : Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Minimum work experience as a Quality Assurance for 2 year in the field of
pressure vessel & Heat Exchanger

3. Quality Controll
Education : Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Minimum work experience as a Quality Control for 2 year in the field of
pressure vessel & Heat Exchanger

4. Estimator Engineer
Education : Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Minimum 2 Year As a supervisor in department of production in
manufacturing industry

5. Senior Engineer
Education : Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Minimum work experience as an engineer for 8 years in the field of pressure
vessel & Heat Exchanger
Understand and be able to operate the engineering software

6. Civil Engineer
Education : Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Having experience in the field of civil design at least 2 years

7. Electric Engineer
Education : Bachelor of Electric Engineering
Having experience in the field of electric design at least 2 years

General requirements :
1. GPA: minimum 2.75
2. Age: Not more than 30 years
3. Advanced Computer literate especially MS Excel, Word, Power Point, and Email
4. Can speak english as a value-added active
5. Can work under pressure and teamwork
6. Domiciled preferably around Surabaya – Gresik.
7. For Receptionist preferably unmarried

If you are interested, please contact us via email:
and it is important to be forwarded to email:
contact person: Slamet Hariyanto, S. Psi

Lowongan Kerja PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) Exp : 21 Maret 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA)

PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) hadir di Jakarta untuk meningkatkan penyediaan dan pelayanan air bersih kepada masyarakat di wilayah Barat DKI Jakarta sejak 1 Februari 1998, melalui 25 tahun kerjasama dengan PAM Jaya.

PALYJA merupakan bagian dari SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, lini usaha Grup GDF SUEZPerancis, yang bergerak di bidang: air, pelayanan limbah, peralatan terkait yang penting bagi kehidupan sehari-hari dan pelestarian lingkungan; dan juga merupakan bagian dari PT Astratel Nusantara, lini usaha Grup ASTRA – Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang infrastruktur.

Salah satu misi PALYJA adalah memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan dengan tingkat pelayanan yang tinggi dan dengan menyediakan air bersih dengan kuantitas, kesinambungan dan kualitas yang baik melalui operasi yang unggul.

Sejak tahun 1998 PALYJA telah berhasil meningkatkan akses air bersih menjadi lebih dari 419 ribu sambungan bagi lebih dari 3 juta penduduk di wilayah Barat.

1. Logistic Manager
2. Junior Engineer
3. Design Engineer
4. Future Model Development
5. Warehouse Staff
6. Warehouse Unit Head
7. Drafter
8. Surveyor
9. Project
10. Logger/Deepwell
11. Customer Investigation
12. Customer Relation
13. Industrial Relation

1. Logistic Manager (Jakarta Raya)


* Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1) bidang studi Teknik / Ekonomi
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 7 tahun dalam bidang yang sama
* Pengalaman kerja memiliki anak buah (subordinate) di pekerjaan sebelumnya minimal 3 tahun
* Memiliki pengetahuan teknik dan mekanikal
* Memiki pengetahuan mengenai strategi pengadaan barang dan jasa
* Memiliki pengetahuan inventory / warehouse management
* Memiliki pengetahuan dasar financial dan accounting
* Memiliki pengetahuan pajak dan penerapan perpajakan
* Memiliki pengetahuan pelaksanaan standar operasi kerja
* Memiliki pengetahuan analisa produk umum
* Memiliki pengetahuan manajemen risiko dan fraud
* Kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer ( MS Office)
* Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris lisan maupun tulisan
* Keterampilan wawancara

2. Junior Engineer (Jakarta Raya)


* Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1), bidang studi Teknik Sipil/Lingkungan
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 1 tahun dalam bidang yang sama
* Kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer ( MS Office)
* Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris lisan maupun tulisan
* Menguasai penggunaan Auto CAD / aplikasi desain lainnya
* Memahami dengan baik Spek Teknik PALYJA
* Memahami standard H&S
* Memahami tentang material perpipaan
* Memahami gambar kerja

3. Design Engineer (Jakarta Raya)


* Melaksanakan kegiatan sehari-hari kerja desain, membuat desain dan gambar rencana proyek unit produksi berdasarkan hasil survey lapangan.
* Berkoordinasi dengan Produksi, UPP’s, Proyek Produksi dan unit terkait mengenai kegiatan desain sehingga dapat selesai dengan tepat waktu dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan.


* Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1) bidang studi Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Sipil
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 1 tahun dalam bidang yang sama
* Menguasai desain unit produksi, jaringan pipa (material, bangunan dan spesifikasi teknis)
* Memahami dan menguasai perhitungan rekayasa sipil
* Memahami dan menguasai perhitungan rencana anggaran biaya proyek
* Keterampilan komputer (MS.Office, & Autocad)
* Kemampuan bahasa inggris

4. Future Model Development (Jakarta Raya)


* Membuat dan mengupdate master plan jaringan pipa, mengupdate master of future model serta melakukan annual program extension yang dapat diajukan ke rencana Capex tahunan.


* Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1) Bidang studi teknik sipil atau teknik lingkungan
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 2 tahun dalam bidang yang sama
* Mampu membaca peta jaringan
* Menguasai GIS, Autocad dan software hydraulic model
* Mengerti tentang prinsip-prinsip hydaulic
* Mengetahui tentang accessories perpipaan dan fungsinya
* Mengerti water supply system

5. Warehouse Staff (Jakarta Raya)


* Melaksanakan tugas administrasi untuk memproses closing project dan membuat laporan inventory agar semua laporan dapat dibuat sesuai dengan sistem dan prosedur yang berlaku pada perusahaan.


* Minimum pendidikan Diploma (D1) jurusan Administrasi
* Minimum pengalaman kerja 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
* Memahami item material Logistics
* Keterampilan Komputer (MS Office dan Aplikasi Oracle)

6. Warehouse Unit Head (Jakarta Raya)


* Menyediakan dan menganalisa material, termasuk membuat purchase request agar material yang di butuhkan oleh proyek tersedia pada saat di butuhkan dan stock material selalu tersedia di Warehouse.


* Pendidikan minimum Diploma ( D3 ) Teknik
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 2 tahun di bidang sejenis
* Memiliki pengetahuan tentang warehouse
* Dapat menganalisa material apa saja yang di butuhkan

7. Drafter (Jakarta Raya)


* Melaksanakan kegiatan sehari-hari kerja desain, membuat gambar rencana proyek pipa distribusi berdasarkan hasil surveylapangan.
* Berkoordinasi dengan UPP’s, Proyek Distribusi dan unit terkait mengenai kegiatan desain sehingga dapat selesai dengan tepat waktu dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan.


* Pendidikan minimum SLTAl
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 2 tahun dalam bidang yang sama
* Memahami jaringan perpipaan air minum (material, jalur, dan spesifikasi teknis)
* Keterampilan komputer (MS.Office, & Autocad)

8. Surveyor (Jakarta Raya)


* Melaksanakan kegiatan sehari-hari kerja desain, melakukan survey rencana proyek pipa distribusi, primer, produksi berdasarkan hasil survey lapangan. Berkoordinasi dengan UPP’s, Proyek Distribusi dan unit terkait mengenai kegiatan desain sehingga dapat selesai dengan tepat waktu dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan.


* Pendidikan minimum SLTA ( pengalaman kerja 2 tahun, bidang yang sama )
* Pengalaman dalam menggunakan alat ukur lapangan (water pas , total station )
* Memahami jaringan perpipaan air minum (material, jalur, dan spesifikasi teknis)
* Memahami strkutur bangunan dan jalan
* Keterampilan komputer (MS.Office, Autocad)

9. Project (Jakarta Raya)


* Menerima dan membukukan permohonan Sambungan Baru dan mendaftarkannya ke dalam aplikasi Sambungan Baru
* Menyiapkan surat jawaban sementara kepada calon pelanggan, surat-surat masuk-keluar teknik dan mengirimkannya kepada pelanggan
* Menyiapkan surat permintaan analisa jaringan dengan piccolo model dan perhitungan biaya proyek kepada DPJ
* Menyiapkan proposal pembayaran sambungan baru atau surat penolakan kepada calon pelanggan dan mengirimkannya ke pelanggan
* Menerima jawaban calon pelanggan yang bersedia menjadi pelanggan dan mengirimkan surat tersebut ke bagian CS untuk mengajukan CC untuk selanjutnya diteruskan ke bagian Keuangan untuk penerbitan invoice dan selanjutnya invoice dikirim ke calon pelanggan
* Menerima bukti pembayaran dan mengirimkannya ke DN untuk diproses pemasangannya lalu membuat PO baru
* Membuat permohanan penerbitan SPPK Sambungan Baru ke IS
* Membuat laporan kegiatan harian, mingguan dan bulanan
* Membuat laporan monitoring segel dinas dan SPPK


* Pendidikan minimal setara D1 s/d D3 (Diploma)
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
* Memahami dan menguasai proses penanganan Sambungan Baru pelanggan
* Memahami dan menguasai pengoperasian Komputer (terutama Word dan Excel)
* Memahami dan menguasai teknik customer handling

10 Logger/Deepwell (Jakarta Raya)


* Melakukan download and upload data untuk setiap pemasangan data logger
* Melakukan pemasangan data logger di meter yang berada di pelanggan berikut pressure sensor serta membuat berita acara berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pemasangan
* Mengamati kondisi meter yang ada dan melakukan analisa singkat
* Bertanggung jawab terhadap pemeliharaan seluruh alat-alat data logger dan aksesoriesnya
* Bertanggung jawab untuk pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan Notebook di lapangan
* Melakukan transfer file dari data dasar file logger ke dalam format data Excel setiap kali melakukan upload data di lapangan
* Melakukan dokumentasi terhadap seluruh kegiatan di lapangan
* Mengatur pembagian tugas terhadap seluruh Surveyor


* Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1) bidang Teknik
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 1 tahun dalam bidang yang sama
* Mengetahui dasar-dasar alat-alat perpipaan (plumbing)
* Mengetahui dasar-dasar fluida
* Mengetahui dasar-dasar teknik
* Memiliki keterampilan mengoperasikan Komputer (terutama Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
* Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris

11. Customer Investigation (Jakarta Raya)


* Melakukan pengecekan kondisi meter dan sambungan meter pelanggan
* Melaporkan setiap temuan di lapangan kepada atasan untuk ditindaklanjut
* Mencatat setiap masukan atau keluhan dari pelanggan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan
* Membantu KACS Junior Engineer dalam melakukan investigasi lapangan


* Pendidikan minimum setara SMU
* Pengalaman kerja minimum 1 – 2 tahun
* Keterampilan menggunakan alat bantu pengecekan lapangan (manometer, tes klorin)
* Keterampilan wawancara
* Keterampilan mengoperasikan Komputer (MS Office)
* Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris

12. Customer Relation (Jakarta Raya)


* Menyelesaikan komplain baik secara teknis maupun administrasi untuk membuat Surat Perintah Penelitian Kerja
* Melakukan monitoring keluhan yang belum terselesaikan untuk memastikan keluhan dapat ditangani sesuai response time dan dapat memuaskan customer
* Melakukan koodinasi dengan unit kerja lain untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan survey gabungan atau bersama
* Melakukan monitoring aplikasi call centre untuk memastikan closing Aplikasi
* Membuat laporan kegiatan bulanan
* Melakukan registrasi surat masuk ke atasan dan mendistribusikan sesuai dengan disposisi


* Pendidikan minimal Diploma berbagai jurusan
* Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
* Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai meter air dan sambungan meter
* Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
* Memiliki keterampilan mengoperasikan Komputer (MS Office)

13. Industrial Relation (Jakarta Raya)


* Litigasi
* Perundingan dengan karyawan
* Dispute handling


* Pendidikan S1 Hukum
* Berpengalaman 1-2 tahun di bidang yang sama
* Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
* Memiliki keterampilan mengoperasikan Komputer (MS Office)

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silakan melamar dengan mengirim Surat Lamaran beserta CV melalui email ke : (max 100kb)

Lowongan Kerja PT Holcim Indonesia, Tbk. (Exp : 22 April 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Holcim Indonesia

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk is one of the biggest cement companies in Indonesia with the distinguished advantage of integrated businesses in ready-mix concrete and aggregate - provides a working environment that encourages personal & professional development skill. We seek high caliber professionals to join our team.

TSO Region 5 (Interisland)
(Jawa Barat - Region 5 (Interisland))


* Maintaining and expand cement sales for PTSC in his territory ( meet targets )
* Provide support for the Regional Superintendent
* Provide direction to ( distributor ) salesman


* Education :
o S1 any discipline, preferable in Civil Engineering
* Experience :
o 3 years Sales experience
o Experience in pharmaceutical sales are welcome to apply
* Computer literacy:
o Microsoft office, Lotus Notes and SAP User
* Language :
o Good command of both oral & written
* Other qualification / skills :
o Pervasiveness
o Communication
o People management
o Leaderships
o Planning & reporting
o Knowledge of cement
o Knowledge of business environment

Organizational Development Dept.

(Please indicate position applied for on the subject field of your email)

Lowongan Kerja PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) Exp : 18 Maret 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA)

PALYJA merupakan bagian dari Group SUEZPerancis dan Astra Group – Indonesia. Sejak 1 Februari 1998, PALYJA memiliki perjanjian kerjasama dengan Pam Jaya sebagai mitra swasta dalam penyediaan dan pelayanan air bersih bagi masyarakat di wilayah barat Jakarta

PALYJA believes that human resources are very important assets for the success of the company. The progress and achievements made by the company are closely linked to the roles of its human resources. An integrated competencybased human resource developments are therefore conducted continuously, both internally and externally.

1. Human Capital Development (HCD) (Jakarta Raya)


* Assist and proposed people development strategy
* Implementation people development program
* Supervise people development activities
* Define people development subject align with people assessment
* Maping manpower position and succession mapping


* S1 all major preferebly Psychology or Human Resource Management
* Working experience in Human Capital Development minimum 3 – 4 years
* Computer (MS Office)
* English (Oral and Written)
* Managerial ability
* Knowledge of employee management system
* Ability to develop organization
* Familiar with Public speaking

2. Recruitment, Performance & Career Management (RPCM) (Jakarta Raya)


* Designing the concept of Company Performance Goals
* Formulating Performance System that will be implemented
* Define the composition of the Performance Score
* Establish a distribution system assessment
* Ensure implementation of Performance Management System in accordance with the concept PALYJA been formulated
* Monitor the recruitment process
* Create Individual Career Plan for the key person


* Educational Psychology Psikolog/S1 profession with certification or Human Resources Management
* Minimum work experience 3-4 years in the same field
* Computer (MS Office)
* Home (Oral and Written)
* Managerial ability
* Knowledge of employee management system
* Ability to develop the organization

3. Data Base Administrator SPV (DBA) Jakarta Raya)


* Administration, monitoring, and troubleshooting the entire process (database-based UNIX and Windows), to ensure all relevant databases and applications run normally and the process worked well in it.


* Minimum Bachelor (S1) areas of study Informatics Engineering / Computer
* Minimum 5 years working experience in same field
* Understand and master it well:
* Database Concept and Architecture, Database
* Administrator Certification i.e. : OCP (optional)
* Understand and master the fine UNIX and Windows Administration commands
* Understanding and mastering the concept of database backup and recovery
* Understand and master the performance tuning of database
* The ability of oral and written English

4. QA PDCA (Temporary) (Jakarta Raya)


* To facilitate, organize and coordinate with all defined user the development and maintenance
* To facilitate and organize
* To assist all relataed users in conducting Objective and Target Achievement Quartely Management Review (coordinate with CSD and DN in preparing meeting material and to summary the result)
* Organize internal audit from planning preparation, auditing, corrective and preventive action, verification and management review activities
* To monitor the implementation of PDCA Cycles under Area IV


* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering
* Possess working experience, for external at least 1 year(s) in same field
* Knowledge about ISO 9001:2000 Series, OHSAS, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 14000 Environment, Management System,TQM (7 Tools, Statistical Process Control, PDCA)
* Must possessed MS Office & Visio
* Good Communication & Presentation skill
* Fluent in English
* 3 months Contract

5. Lotus Notes Developer (LND) (Jakarta Raya)


* Analyze and understand the workflow of information/work in the company.
* Prepare the documentation and coordinate with the users about the workflow of information/work.
* Develop and optimize the workflow by using Lotus Notes/Domino.
* Support and train the user in order for them to adopt the new process with less-paper.
* Perform necessary administration to support the users on the Lotus Notes/Domino


* Educational Background and Working Experience
* S1 degree in Information Technology
* 5 Years experience in same field

Knowledge and Skill:

* Deep understanding in developing
* Lotus Notes/Domino workflow/application.
* Deep undertanding on the Domino administration and developing server-side scripts.
* Good understanding on Relational Data Base System.
* Good understanding on Windows environment.
* Good understanding on Networking environment.
* Good understanding on Risk Management.
* Fluent in English, oral and written.

6. Water All Assistance (WAA) (Jakarta Raya)


* Checking field implementation of projects in the Water For All PALYJA area, such as projects improving access to clean water in the area of ??Pre-through funding from World Bank (GPOBA project) and expansion projects for water supply connections in the area of ??Pre-funding through cooperation with Non-Governmental Organization Society, to conform with the standard implementation of a predetermined company.


* Minimum education S1 Trade Administration / Social Science / Engineering
* Minimum 1 year working experience. If have experience of working in NGO, will be value added.
* Having knowledge of Project Management
* Able to operate computer (MS Office)
* The ability of oral and written English
* The ability of a good presentation & communication

7. Leak Detection & Repair Analyst (LDA) (Jakarta Raya)


* Create an analysis report leak appears (visible) and do not appear (invisible)
* Daily KPI collects data from these units invisible leak detection
* Control and analysis of consumable equipment, including controls on purchasing equipment
* Perform leak detection technique has been developed in collaboration with relevant units and sections.
* Ensuring that the Quality Management System and H & S goes well with the conduct of internal audits, and recommend improvements in cooperation with the Unit and the related Section


* Graduated S1 Technics
* 1 Year experience in same field
* Knowledge of leak detection methods and equipment used
* Knowledge of network piping and hydraulics
* Ability to operate computer (Autocad, GIS, MS Office)

8. Network Study (NS) (Jakarta Raya)


* Field studies; Installation of flow & pressure monitors, SS Band / taping saddle drilling pipe; Operation of the valve lid open; Checking chamber; Monitoring the flow and pressure; survey the location of the installation point flow and pressure monitoring; improvisation & permanent management area


* S1 majoring in Civil Engineering / Environmental, Fresh Graduate
* Minimum1 years work experience in related field;
* Knowledge of the flow and pressure;
* Understanding the operation of the valve;
* Able to operate MS-office

9. Quality Assurance (QA) (Jakarta Raya)


* To facilitate, organize and coordinate with all defined user the development and maintenance
* To facilitate and organize
* To assist all relataed users in conducting Objective and Target Achievement Quartely Management Review (coordinate with CSD and DN in preparing meeting material and to summary the result)
* Organize internal audit from planning preparation, auditing, corrective and preventive action, verification and management review activities
* To monitor the implementation of PDCA Cycles under Area IV


* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
* Possess working experience, for external : at least 2 year(s) in same field
* Knowledge about ISO 9001:2000 Series, OHSAS, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 14000 Environment, Management System,TQM (7 Tools, Statistical Process Control, PDCA)
* Must possessed MS Office & Visio
* Good Communication & Presentation skill
* Fluent in English

For those who are interested and meet the above requirements, are encouraged to apply for this position by submitting an application letter and recent CV by e-mail to : (max 100kb)

Application should be received not later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement. Please indicate the position code in email subject.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bentoel Prima (22 April 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Bentoel Prima

BENTOEL GROUP is a member of BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO GROUP, the world's second largest quoted tobacco group in the world by global market share with brands sold in over 180 markets. We believe it is important to attract and retain the very best people who will contribute ideas and really make a difference and therefore place a strong emphasis on empowering our people, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and recognizing success. We aim to attract, develop and retain high-calibre people, including both graduates and mid-career recruits. A career with us can be very international and we offer a challenging and fast-paced working environment.

Research Field Officer
(Jawa Timur)


* Research Field Officer collect and analyze all kinds of information in order to help companies improve their products, sales and distribution policies. In addition, research analysts are responsible for monitoring both in-house studies and off-site research, interpreting results, providing explanations of compiled data, supervising numerous research briefing also handle legal documents of the research project and other specific reserach request


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics, Statistic, Marketing research or equivalent.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position or preferably senior staffs specializing in Marketing/Business Development or equivalent. Job role in Market Research or Business Development.
* Courses in computing are especially useful, since a great deal of tabulation and statistical analysis is required in the marketing research field, must be thoroughly familiar with research techniques and procedures. Sometimes the research problem is clearly defined.

PT Bentoel Prima
Jl. Raya Karanglo Singosari Malang Malang 65153

Lowongan Kerja PT Trias Sentosa Tbk (Exp : 11 April 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Trias Sentosa Tbk

Professional Career

We are an established company looking for a professional to fill in the following position:

Production Staff (Quality)
(Jawa Timur - Sidoarjo)


* Male/Female, max 35 years old
* Minimum Bachelor degree in Chemical Science/Engineering
* Experience in Paper/ Plastic / Flexible Packaging Industry is an Advantage
* Good communication skill in English (spoken and written)
* Willing and interest to live and work in Sidoarjo

Only qualified candidates are encouraged to send an application letter and resume enclosing 4x6 recent photograph to: not later than April 11, 2011.