

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lowongan Kerja PT INKA Madiun Tahun 2011 (23 Maret 2011)

Lowongan Kerja 2011

PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) Madiun

INKA, state owned company in Indonesia, is moving towards from the steam locomnotive workshop in 1981 to the modernrailcar manufacturer. With the vision to be world class company, the business activity is growing from basic product to the higher value added product and services in railway and transportation business. The mission on business and technology competitiveness creation in railway and transportation products is focussed to dominate domestic market and to win competition in ASEAN region and developing countries.

These business transformations provide costumer success to obtain best and valuable solution for railway transport improvement. In the global competition, INKA develop various kind of features from reliable product platform under quality management system ISO 9001 and global partnership.

Through a continous improvement to adapt turbulance change, INKA conducts the business with core values: integrity, professional and quality. INKA is following the destination to the future business opportunity not only for railway transport but broader product and services which derived from core competence contributing to the creation of infrastructure and transportation demand.

Career Opportunities..

Rekrutmen Karyawan
PT. INKA (Persero) Tahun 2011

PT. Industri Kereta Api (Persero) merupakan BUMN Industri Strategis yang bergerak di bidang manufactur kereta api dan solusi moda transportasi masal, membuka kesempatan kepada pria dan wanita yang memiliki potensial, integritas dan komitmen yang tinggi untuk memajukan sektor transportasi masal di Indonesia. Adapun persyaratan umum dan kualifikasi khusus yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut :

I. Calon pelamar memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut :

1. Strata 1 :

* Teknik mesin
* Tekniki Elektro
* Teknik Industri
* Teknik Informatika
* Desain Produk
* Metalurgi
* Statistik
* Ekonomi Manajemen
* Ekonomi Akuntansi
* Hukum

2. Diploma 3 :

* Teknik Mesin
* Teknik Elektro
* Teknik Informatika
* Hiperkes / Kesehatan Masyarakat

II. Persyaratan Umum :

1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Sehat dan berkelakuan baik
3. Usia maksimum 30 tahun per 1 Maret 2011
4. IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4)
5. Mampu berbahasa Inggris
6. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN)
7. Bersedia mengikuti semua tahapan seleksi penerimaan karyawan PT. INKA

III. Aplikasi Lamaran :

1. Calon pelamar mengirimkan berkas lamaran, disertai dengan CV, copy KTP, foto ukuran 4X6 2 lembar (warna), copy ijazah terakhir, copy transkrip nilai, sertifikat / pengalaman kerja (bila ada)
2. Berkas dikirm / diserahkan ke Pengembangan SDM PT. INKA (Persero) Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 71 Madiun-63122
3. Berkas lamaran harus sudah diterima PT.INKA paling lambar tanggal 23 Maret 2011

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